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Rave 911 Suite

Rave 911 Suite provides 9-1-1 teams, first responders and emergency managers powerful capabilities for handling, dispatching and responding to emergencies more efficiently and effectively.

rave 911 suite preview
smart911 desktop and mobile view
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Critical 9-1-1 Caller Info

View the caller’s name and address, medical conditions, photos and more through Smart911 or use notes to identify frequent callers.

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Two-Way Communications

Initiate two-way text messaging and live-streaming video from first responders and bystanders on scene.

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Enhanced Location Data

Supplement existing ALI information with improved e911 location tracking and access facility information, such as floor plans.

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Access & Functional Needs Registry

Connect to a web-based, resident-sourced access and functional needs population registry anytime for analysis, planning and emergency response.

Smart911 Profiles

Anyone can create a Smart911 account, providing call takers with important details about themselves, their families and other household information. When they contact 9-1-1, call takers can instantly see their given information, including address, medical and mental conditions, photos and even details about pets. This allows for faster, more accurate dispatch and drastically reduced response times.

Rave 911 Suite Features

*Rave 911 Suite is not available in Canada

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Situational Awareness for First Responders

The data and information available within Rave’s 911 Response solution helps first responders better prepare for the unknown and greatly accelerate response times during emergencies.

Live Video Streaming and Two-Way Texting

9-1-1 call takers and first responders can request a live-stream video from bystanders and first responders on-site without an app or a NG9-1-1 network. Using Rave’s chat component, call takers can initiate two-way text conversations with any mobile caller.

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Secure and Useful Caller Notes

Call takers can record notes about incoming calls, track the frequency of 9-1-1 calls from the caller’s phone number, and access an expanded view that displays both prior tickets and notes available for the caller’s phone number.

Secure, Critical Facility Information

Schools and businesses can provide accurate site details for 9-1-1 calls originating from any registered facility. Information can include floor plans, key personnel, utility shutoff locations, hazardous material, AED locations and more. This greatly improves first responders’ situational awareness and safety.

floor plan of a building

Accurate Resident Data on Interactive Maps

During a widespread critical event, emergency managers and 9-1-1 call takers receiving calls for help can easily identify residents in need of assistance, communicate with them, and use interactive web-based map interface to single out areas and send help.

Join over 10,000 Customers Worldwide

Market Leader in Critical Communication and Collaboration

Trusted by Thousands of Organizations

Thousands of customers trust Rave to help protect their employees, students, and residents. Our customers include some of the largest communities, most respected companies, and best known colleges and universities in the world.

University of Pennsylvania logo
Florida State University logo
Montgomery County Hospital District logo
Cook County Illinois seal
Laurens County School District seal
Springfield Massachusetts seal

Benefits of the Rave 911 Suite

Rave provides powerful data and communication tools to save time and lives. 9-1-1 call takers are able to both enrich the data available to them during every call received and also resolve dropped calls faster by initiating two-way communications. If an emergency caller is nonverbal, becomes disconnected or has poor coverage, 9-1-1 call takers can easily contact them to send help or verify accidental dials. Additionally, aggregated 9-1-1 call data can be used by both 9-1-1 leaders and emergency managers to collaboratively respond to major emergencies by identifying the most significant problem areas.

Rave 911 Suite has also been certified by the United States Department of Homeland Security under the SAFETY Act (Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technology).

homeland security certified safety act badge
homeland security designated safety act badge

More Accurate Indoor Caller Location

Rave’s enhanced location data gives 9-1-1 call takers improved, consolidated location information and refines mobile ALI locations into a single view. We collect location data from multiple sources, including Mobile ALI, Smart911, RapidSOS Clearinghouse and Rave-registered facilities.

Real-Time Situational Awareness

First responders can easily access the rich flow of caller and premise information that improves situational awareness. First responders can view and interact with the Rave 911 Suite using a web browser on any Internet-enabled device.

Usage and Activity Reports

Key metrics, including the number of 9-1-1 calls answered by your PSAP, two-way communication usage, notes history and facility activity can be easily accessed. Leverage map-based call data to enable better staffing and funding decisions.

Rave 911 Suite & Smart911 Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More About Rave


Customer Success Story

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Discover our prepackaged solutions or configure a package that’s right for your community, company, K-12 schools and higher education system. Learn how you can be up and running in days, take advantage of unlimited emergency usage, and benefit from unbeatable performance and customer satisfaction.